Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Wonders of Video

It occurred to me yesterday what is so great about the internet. Finding any information at a click of a button, communicating with people instantaneously anywhere in the world, and my favorite element, video streaming.

Yes, I love Youtube. I'm ashamed to admit I have spent hours at a time on that site. I love watching videos put together by videographers on news websites. I love putting together my own videos. But what I really, really love is MLBTV.

Two years after coming to Miami, I still get homesick daily. I love New York and not by being there for months at a time, it feels like a huge part of me is missing. I see events happening in New York and get sad that I can't be there. I see pictures of my friends going to concerts up North and feel like I should be there with them. What I miss most though, is baseball, and the Yankees.

MLBTV allows me, for a fee, to watch every Yankee game from my computer. What an amazing invention! I don't know how I would survive here in Miami if I could not watch the first pitch of opening day and the last pitch of the final game of the season. Every time I watch a game on my computer, I am amazed by what technology does for me.

If we can stream any video over the web, does this mean television will one day be obsolete? Probably not. The same way the internet will not completely kill the newspaper, it won't completely kill the TV either. I still enjoy the comfort of my print newspaper and I still enjoy lying in bed and watching baseball on my 30" TV. But for when I can't enjoy those luxuries, the internet will have to do.

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